Real rights

Real rights include: ownership rights, building rights, liens, land debt, property easements, personal easements and real encumbrance rights.

Law firm Rašid Haračić advises and represents its clients in proceedings related to establishment of ownership rights, obstruction of ownership, obstruction of possession, mediation in buying and selling property, as well as:

  • Drawing up purchase and sale agreements;
  • Representation of clients in land registry and cadastral proceedings;
  • Division of co-ownership;
  • Expropriation procedure and evaluation of the expropriation compensation;
  • Return of expropriated property;
  • Construction and urban planning permits and consents;
  • Property legalisation procedures;
  • Acquisition of easements by necessity – necessary right of way;


When buying a property, we provide our clients with assistance through the entire process of checking and purchasing the property. The first step is to check the land registry excerpt for the property to determine whether the property is fully registered in the land registry and whether all documentation is in order, and to check for any encumbrances. We then hire a property valuation expert to assess the value of the property and its condition, as well as an expert to assess compliance and condition of all installations on the property, followed by negotiations and drawing up of a purchase and sale agreement.

For our clients, we file motions before the competent court to establish right-of-way easements. If our client owns property without adequate road access, the court may, upon request from the owner of the property, create an easement by necessity  – granting the right to pass over someone else’s property, provided that the legal requirements are duly met.