Issuance of an Environmental Permit in Bosnia and Herzegovina

An Environmental permit is an administrative act that prescribes measures to protect all components of the environment: air, water, and soil.

In the process of obtaining urban planning approval, the investor whose project is deemed to have or may have a negative impact on the environment is required to obtain an environmental permit beforehand. An environmental permit is issued for new facilities before they are put into operation. Prior to issuing an environmental permit, plants and facilities must undergo an environmental impact assessment procedure.

The Ministry of Urbanism, Spatial Planning, and Environmental Protection of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde, in response to the request of our law firm regarding the issuance of a renewed environmental permit for the operation and facilities of our client, based on articles 42, 43, and 45 of the Environmental Protection Law and article 3, section a) Energy, point 2 of the Regulation on Facilities and Installations that can be built and put into operation only if they have an environmental permit, and article 200 of the Administrative Procedure Law, issued a Resolution on the issuance of an environmental permit on November 6, 2023, number: UP-1:09-19-18/23, granting the environmental permit to our client.

The facility consists of a water intake, pipeline, settling facility with a dam and a machine in the same profile, reservoir, and a stretch of excavated bed downstream of the dam. Under optimal operation, the facility has no impact on the quality of soil, water, and surroundings.

Article 42, paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law prescribes measures and conditions that the operator must fulfill during the operation and cessation of the plant, which must be applied as standards when issuing an environmental permit. Acting on the subject request and to establish the factual situation regarding the previously issued environmental permit, an inspection of the plant and facilities with accompanying contents at the specified location was conducted on October 27, 2023. A report was drawn up on this inspection, which was considered in the issuance of the Environmental permit.

Based on the established factual situation and available documentation, the conducted procedure, and taking into account inspection reports of the cantonal ecological inspector, the Ministry of Urbanism, Spatial Planning, and Environmental Protection of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde concluded that the operation of the plant and facilities, with the prescribed measures and conditions, will not cause negative impacts on the environment.

If you need advice on the issuance of an Environmental permit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whether as an individual, company, shareholder, director, or founder, or if you need a corporate law attorney for your company or business idea, then you are in the right place with us. You can contact our corporate law attorneys directly via phone (+387 62 342 463), WhatsApp, Viber, or email (